Funny INFOGRAPHICS from the world of Technology

 Infographics is the best way of transferring information in a short but concise way. Most of the people don't like to read long and laborious articles, most of the times they prefer to get the info in a very quick manner so for them, a detailed infographic is the best alternative to keep them informed. Today we have compiled some funny infographics from the world of internet and technology which included Google, Apple, Microsoft etc. We hope you like them and even if you don't like it don't forget to share us your thoughts in the form of comments..Our post begins with the biggest war of the technological world between Microsoft, Google and Apple

The Dog Fight Between Apple, Google and Microsoft  

Internet Math

iPad Vs Rock Infographic

If Browsers were Women

If Browsers Were Women Girls

Evolution of Storage

2010 is the Year of the App

Awesome Web Infographic

Twitter Territory 

Awesome Web Infographic

Who is more into the Social Web?

Awesome Web Infographic

How to Pickup Girls using your iPhone

What if You Printed the Internet?

The Apple Field Guide

Legal DVD Vs. Pirated Copy [Infographic]

Facebook Vs. The United States

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