PROSTITUTION in Statistics

Prostitution is the biggest threat to the morality of our society and unfortunately it is legal in some countries and growing at an alarming rate. There is an info-graphic that i found today and like to share it with you.

Celebrity Wardrobe Malfunction

Geri Halliwell Almost Loses Her Pants

I don't think i have to explain here anything as everything here is self explanatory, just watch closely...

Even Animals Love to Act Like Geeks!

Thats hilarious but we have seen cats playing with iPad and parrot messing around with keyboard as if it is thinking of some very complicated Algorithm, all these images are awesome and tells the story of their owners who have been geeks themselves and snapped their pets instead of themselves. We have collected pics of such cool geek looking animals who are seriously doing something..

Sony's Gadget for Cats

Sony's Latest Gadget Lets Your Cat Use Twitter

Funny Comic Series: Steve Jobs Vs Bill Gates

Both Bill gates and Steve jobs are the most discussed people on the web though Gates has retired and left Microsoft but still he will  always remain associated with Steve Jobs because of his historical rivalry with Apple and Jobs himself.
We have compiled some interesting images that have been taken from an interview in which both Jobs and Gates were present apparently in a happy mood, but now one cannot say what would be going through their minds and for the same reason a cool comic series was originated and we gathered some of them, enjoy them after the break..